Get a surge of visitors sent directly to your site!
Become a LoveFreeLotto advertiser and get thousands of English-speaking, attentive visitors sent directly to your site every month. PLUS, get thousands of prime banner impressions located at the top of all our pages.
You get actual visitors to your page. Players are required to visit your page for at least 5 seconds after it fully loads. All vistors are 7-days unique... not 24 hours!
Review your unique visitors each week through your advertiser stats page. You can also make unlimited, instant changes to your ad copy, ad title and URLs any time.
Each time a player submits a lotto ticket, they view an interstitial ad for about 5-7 seconds while their ticket is processed. This interstitial is the advertiser's (your) actual website, not just a banner!
Try our game to see exactly how it works.
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